UC Irvine Undergrad, Business School, Med School. USC Anesthesia Residency. Private Practice Anesthesia. Sold to Private Equity. Academic Faculty at Har…
I am currently the co-founder and president of Bionerds. Bionerds offer Biology hands-on workshops for students from K-8th graders. I earned my bache…
A Bio Sci Counselor told me that I should consider a field other than medicine – I proved her wrong….
Over the past 2 decades I have worked in predominantly pharmacy based careers, but have additionally worked in marine biology, microbiology, teaching,…
I am a neurologist at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego with a subspecialty in neuromuscular diseases. I also have administrative responsibilities as the…
Medicine was my second career. I first graduated from UCLA with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After working in the aerospace industry for two …
I have been working in sales within the biotech industry for the past ten plus years, focusing mainly on molecular biology related technologies and to…
I graduated from UC Irvine with my bachelors in 2010 and then graduated from UCLA school of dentistry in 2014. After that, I did a 6 year residency in Oral…
Experience in Emergency Department, Family/Peds clinic, currently working full time in Urgent Care with Kaiser Permanente for 12 years….
Hi everyone! I am from the Bay Area (Fremont, CA). I studied biological sciences at UC Irvine for undergrad and graduated in 2017. During my time at UCI, I …