Health Sciences Advising Introduction

A strong application to med school and other health profession schools starts early in college! This page contains info to get you started, and all Bio Sci advisors provide pre-heath advising.

Pre-Health Workshops

Spring 2024 dates: 

  • Zoom: April 18 from 11 am – 12 pm
  • Zoom: April 23, 1 pm – 2 pm
  • Zoom: May 15, 3 pm – 4 pm
  • Zoom: May 20, 11 am – 12pm

Register for a pre-health workshop here.

How to Contact Us for Pre-Health Advising

For pre-health advising, use Bio Sci Chat or schedule an appointment with an advisor:

Before scheduling an appointment, please watch the Preparing for Health Professional Schools: Part 1 & 2 video clips.

New incoming freshman or transfer students can attend the workshops above and will learn more about pre-health planning in Bio Sci 2A or Bio Sci 190.




Preparing for a Health Profession

Preparing for Health Professionals Schools: Campus Resources Part 1

Preparing for Health Professionals Schools: Admissions Requirements Part 2





Medical (Allopathic and Osteopathic)












Physical Therapy



Physicians Assistant



Public Health



Veterinary Medicine



Application Resources for All Health Professions



Additional Online Resources


  • ExploreHealthCareers – “Everything you want to know about a wide variety of health careers”
  • Literature Suggestions – A list complied by NAAHP pre-health advisors, current medical professionals, and health profession admissions representatives

UC Irvine Health Professions Programs