Division of Continuing Education – Concurrent Enrollment:
Bio Sci Course Enrollment
Please follow the steps below to submit an online request to register for a Bio Sci course through Concurrent Enrollment. As of Spring 2020, paper submissions are no longer accepted.
Note: Bio Sci faculty are NOT involved in the enrollment process. Please do not contact the course professor. If you have questions about Concurrent Enrollment, please contact Joell Emoto-Johnston at jemoto@uci.edu.
Concurrent Enrollment FAQs
Who can enroll in DCE Concurrent Enrollment courses?
Enrollment in undergraduate Bio Sci courses through Concurrent Enrollment is open to non-UC Irvine students or former UC Irvine students who have met the proper course prerequisites.
Are Concurrent Enrollment students guaranteed a spot in class?
Unfortunately, Concurrent Enrollment students have last priority for enrollment in Bio Sci courses. Students will be considered for the class AFTER the UC Irvine undergraduate student population enrolls.
How many Bio Sci courses can I enroll in per quarter?
We will approve a maximum of two (2) Bio Sci courses per quarter only.
Are prerequisites enforced? What if I completed the prerequisite at a different institution?
Yes, you must meet the prerequisites to be considered for the course. If you have completed the prerequisites at another institution, you MUST provide a copy of your transcript. Please indicate the equivalent prerequisite course(s) on your transcript.
How long will it take for me to hear back regarding my enrollment?
Undergraduate enrollment does not settle until week 2. This means you might have to wait until the end of Week 2 for approval. If the course is OPEN at the beginning of Week 1, you are welcome to attend the course until your enrollment is approved. Please note that consideration is based on space availability and completion of prerequisites.
Where can I find the quarterly course offerings?
For specific course information, please review the UC Irvine Schedule of Classes. Course descriptions are listed in the UC Irvine General Catalogue. Also, it will be important for you to refer the Quarterly Academic Calendar.
What are my chances of getting approved for a course that is close to being full?
If a course is close to being full or is FULL at the beginning of Week 1, there is very little chance we will approve you into the course. It is your responsibility to closely monitor the UC Irvine Schedule of Classes to gauge your chances.
Can I repeat a course?
If it is deemed that you have taken an equivalent course at another institution or at UC Irvine and earned a grade of C (or Pass) or better, then you will NOT be able to repeat the course at UCI. More information can be found here.
Instructions for Enrolling in Bio Sci courses
Select your course(s)
Familiarize yourself with the exact dates and times. Many of our courses may have prerequisites and/or corequisites. Prerequisites for each course are strictly enforced.
Complete the application
Complete the Concurrent Enrollment Application for each course which you want to enroll in. The Division of Continuing Education will publish the specific dates that you can start submitting your application prior to the beginning of each academic quarter on their registration page.
- If you have completed the required prerequisite(s) at a different institution (outside of UCI) or previously through Concurrent Enrollment at the Division of Continuing Education, you MUST provide a copy of your transcript(s) to your online Concurrent Enrollment Application every quarter.
- You must submit a separate enrollment application for each course you want to enroll in.
Request review process
Requests will be reviewed by DCE and the appropriate Department/School. Requests may be reviewed from the time the application is available to the 2nd week of the quarter.
Email Notifications
Email notifications will be sent with the final decision regarding your course request directly from The Division of Continuing Education. Please be sure to add “dce-services@uci.edu” to your approved contacts to ensure proper delivery. Check your email daily for any updates regarding your status. DCE will contact you once you are approved. It is not necessary to email Bio Sci Student Affairs regarding your enrollment status.
Submit your payment
If approved, submit your payment online through your DCE web account to officially enroll by the listed deadline given in the approval email. Instructions on how to complete this step will be provided in the email notification. If you do not submit payment within 2 business days, your approval will expire for the term/year.
Enjoy your class!