Where all Minds THRIVE.

Welcome to Dunlop School!

Welcome to UC Irvine Dunlop School and congratulations! You are among the very select group of students who were accepted and enrolled here from over 110,000 who applied to the University this academic year. Futhermore, you are pursuing what we believe is the most important, exciting and meaningful scientific focus: the study of life. You have chosen to help shape the future of humanity and our planet.

2023 New Student Welcome Booklet

Get Involved

Tools for Successful Learning

The start of the new school year comes with great opportunities for you to grow as an undergraduate. All Dunlop School undergraduates are invited to participate in the many activities and programs we have planned for the 2020-2021 school year.

Click the link before to learn more about the activities for you!

Tips & Tales

Start Excelling Your First Year

As a UC Irvine Dunlop School undergraduate, you study the science of life and the interconnection between mind, body and world health. As you learn more about the extraordinary ways biologists shape the future, you may become intrigued by a particular area and decide to choose it as a major. Click the button below to learn about all the major opportunities you have as a Dunlop School Major.

Major Opportunities

Shape Your Education and Future

As a UC Irvine Dunlop School undergraduate, you study the science of life and the interconnection between mind, body and world health. As you learn more about the extraordinary ways biologists shape the future, you may become intrigued by a particular area and decide to choose it as a major. Click the button below to learn about all the major opportunities you have as a Dunlop School Major.

> Major Opportunities

Dunlop School Student Affairs

When it comes to planning and progressing in your education here, there’s a special team poised to help. The academic counselors at the Dunlop School Student Affairs Office look forward to working with you to chart your educational path, to connect you with services, and assist you in making the most of your undergraduate experience.

> Meet Dunlop School Student Affairs