The Dunlop School Mentor Program provides an invaluable opportunity for our undergraduate students to enhance their understanding of various careers. In the process, these students will build a community of Dunlop School alumni and professionals that extends beyond the UC Irvine campus. Mentors will serve as coaches, guides, motivators, advisors, and role models. They will greatly enrich their own lives by making a difference in someone else’s. We hope you join the Mentor Program today!

Explore Different Careers

Share Your Knowledge

Expand Your Network

Inspire Minds

Become a Mentor

  • Enrich your own life by making a difference in someone else’s.
  • Reconnect to the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences on a personal level.
  • Gain new skills as you advise and counsel students.
  • Share your own experiences and insights.
  • Guide your mentee towards achieving specific goals.

Learn and Get Advice

Become a Mentee

  • Receive constructive feedback about personal and professional skills.
  • Learn about specific jobs, career paths, industries, and organizational cultures.
  • Obtain advice about professional conduct.
  • Pursue networking opportunities.
  • Work with your mentor to achieve a specific goal.
Mentor Program


Will this program take up a lot of my time and is it a long-term commitment?

Mentors and mentees are encouraged to communicate at least once a month. The level of involvement and length of the relationship will be determined by the mentor and the mentee. Matches are made for one academic year.

Who makes the initial contact?

After a mentor and mentee are paired, each will be notified of one another. We encourage mentees to make the first contact and introduce themselves as soon as they receive corresponding matching information, and to ask their mentors how and when they are available.

As a mentee, what can I get out of the Mentor Program?

It is strongly recommended that mentees take some time to think about what they hope to gain from the Mentor Program, including identifying their short- and long-term goals. It is imperative that mentees communicate the type of help they need. Examples include learning about potential career opportunities, work activities, duties and challenges of certain professions or acquiring the necessary skills to succeed in their field of interest.

What are the expectations for a mentor?

Mentors are to maintain contact with their mentees through email, phone and/or video conferencing at least once a month. In addition, mentors provide valuable guidance and insight to their mentees including, but not limited to, discussing professional goals, preparing for graduate school, and working in the real world.

What are the expectations for a mentee?

Mentees are to clearly define their expectations and goals to their mentors. Like their mentors, mentees are expected to initiate and maintain communication by email, phone and/or video conferencing at least once a month. Mentees are to promptly respond to their mentors and express appreciation for their advice/suggestions.

Whom can I contact if I have any questions or if I have not heard from my mentor/mentee?

Both mentors and mentees are asked to contact or (949) 824-4428 about concerns or questions relating to the status of their mentoring relationships.