What is the UC Irvine Dunlop School Mentor Program?

The Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences Mentor Program is a voluntary program created for students to explore career interests and engage in mutually beneficial, professionally oriented relationships with alumni and community members in and outside Orange County. UC Irvine Dunlop School undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students are eligible to participate in the program.

Dunlop School created the Mentor Program to help college graduates not only survive, but be successful. This program pairs alumni and community professionals with students with similar interests. Mentors provide academic and career guidance, networking opportunities, and insights into the working world. They can help students answer such questions as: What can I do with my degree? Should I go to graduate or professional school?  Where do I see myself in five years?

This distinguished program gives our students an edge and enables them to market themselves as they pursue graduate school and/or enter the workforce. Mentoring the next generation of biologists is an important part of our mission. Partnerships with industry and community members are invaluable in helping us educate students to become the world-changers of tomorrow.

The Mentor Program begins in the fall and lasts through the following March. To enroll in the program, all mentors and students must complete registration forms identifying their education, career path/goals, professional background, and personal interests.


Check out pictures and videos of previous Mentor Program events.

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