Since graduation from UC Irvine Irvine, I have worked in medical research, and have been in the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford since 2015. I have ext…

Graduated UC Irvine in 1997, graduated from UCSF School of Dentistry in 2001. Currently the owner of my practice in Napa, CA. It’s a family oriented pract…

Graduated from UC Irvine in 2018. Worked in real estate and education until going to dental school in Chicago. Have been a practicing dentist for over…

Anesthesiologist, who was fortunate to become CEO of his group. Also served on the boards of CHOC Hospital & PIH Hospital. Obtained his MBA to gain …

I was born and raised in Southern California and graduated from UC Irvine in 2017. I spent my gap year doing research in Infectious Diseases at UCI. I’m now…

SoCal Native that graduated from UC Irvine in 2017 as a Biological Sciences major. Some of my involvements during my time at UC Irvine include being a…

After UC Irvine I worked as a heart and lung transplant procurement tech. After 2 years of surgical experience I went to PA school. I received training in c…