Connect with BioSci Advising!

Service:Use for: Availability:
ChatQuick questions, like clarifying a requirement or updating your recordInstant answers during business hours (see below)
EmailDetailed questions that do not require a quick replyReceive a reply in 2-3 business days.
AppointmentsLong-term planning and complex conversations, such as academic recoveryBio majors: Any week during business hours

Non-Bio majors: Weeks 4-5 and 8-10. Non-majors must attend a workshop related to your questions before scheduling an appointment. See workshop info below.

Schedule 1 week in advance

WorkshopsComprehensive info on how to declare a Bio major, pre-health basics, and studying abroad.For Bio majors and non-majors, throughout each quarter.

See details below.

BioSci Advising Workshops

Pre-health workshopFor students from all majors, learn pre-health options, admissions basics, timelines for preparing, and helpful resourcesInfo and schedule
Change of Major workshopFor non-Bio students switching to a Bio majorInfo and schedule
Study Abroad workshopDiscover study abroad options as a Bio major and learn how to prepare for this experienceInfo and schedule

Have a quick question? We’re here to chat!

Please utilize Bio Sci Chat for during business hours for the fastest response.
Bio Sci Chat is available for academic advising questions during normal business hours this summer!

Need a longer convo? Schedule your appointment online

Schedule an online or in-person appointment with an academic advisor using UC Irvine Appointments.
Bio Sci Advising appointments are available online during normal business hours this summer!

BioSci Advising Business Hours

SPRING BREAK: March 24-28, Remote Services (Phone Lines and Front Desk closed)

Chat avialble during normal business hours

Mondays: 10am-noon & 1-4pm.
Tuesday-Fridays: 9am-noon & 1-4pm.
Remote services only on Fridays 


 Meet the Dunlop BioSci Student Affairs Team

To email an Advisor, please use:

To connect with a specific Advisor, use their name in your email greeting.

If another Advisor can better assist you, your email will be redirected.

student affairs images

Raven Yoshitomi
Director, Student Affairs

Kristin Fung_updated 10.20.20

Kristin Fung
Assistant Director, Student Affairs

Jenna Bague-Sampson

Jenna Bague-Sampson
Senior Advisor, Program Development


Melanie Nakanishi
Lead Advisor for Enrollment Management

Joanna Bradshaw

Joanna Bradshaw

Eunice Choi-Yang

Eunice Choi-Yang


Joell Emoto-Johnston

Jennifer Maitland

Jenn Maitland

Jamie Olss

Jamie Olss

Sherry Ong

Sherry Ong

Jayro Ramos

Jayro Ramos

Susan Schafer

Susan Schafer

Diana Tien-Chan v7

Diana Tien-Chan

Peer Academic Advisors

Dunlop School Peer
Academic Advisors

Map and Directions

Dunlop School Student Affairs

1011 Biological Sciences III, Irvine, CA 92697-1460

Phone: 949-824-5318

For faster responses, please send us a message via the Dunlop School Chat.

Services Provided

Academic Counseling

Pre-Health Professional Advisement

Short and Long-term Course Planning

Reference to Campus Support Services

Dean’s Signature/ Approval for Forms

And More!