Pedro Fernandes

Why did you choose to major in biology?
In my life, I’ve had family members get diagnosed with genetic disorders/diseases and seen them go through transplant treatments. Being a part of their journeys inspired me to major in Biological Sciences and minor in Psychological Science in order to pursue a career in genetic counseling to help other families.
Why are you proud to call yourself an Anteater?
I’m proud to call myself an Anteater because of the experiences that come with being a UC Irvine student! Whether it’s a leadership position within the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences or a position in housing, these outlets have given me the opportunity to advocate for the needs of others and I’m very grateful for these opportunities.
What’s one thing at UC Irvine that no student should miss?
Exploring on campus clubs/organizations in order to find a family on campus! I’ve been lucky enough to find that within EASE, UC Irvine Housing, and Campmed at UC Irvine and I hope that future Anteaters are able to explore at their own pace and find a place where they can also thrive.
What is one thing you wish you knew as a freshman that you’d like to give as advice now?
Personally, I wish I had someone tell me that it’s okay to be a Biological Sciences major that is not pursuing the traditional pre-med route because I often felt lost within my own major. I would like to let other students know that everyone has their own path in life and that yours is equally as valid as your peers’! Try not to let another person’s competitive or condescending attitude bring you down. Take care of yourself, do your best, and believe in yourself because you’re here at UC Irvine for a reason :)
Do you have a study playlist?
Yes! I love music but honestly the playlist depends on my mood at the time and what I’m studying. Sometimes I want a relaxing and lowkey playlist to play as background music while I focus and other times I play more upbeat music to hype myself up before an exam (I personally recommend Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, and Ariana Grande).
What’s your favorite place to relax and have fun on campus?
I love Aldrich park because it’s great for relaxing/taking a nap, a picnic with friends, or an aesthetic photoshoot!
What was your most memorable moment at UCI?
There are so many to choose from, but I’d say one of my most memorable moments from UC Irvine was submitting the application to graduate because it really solidified the fact that I’m graduating soon. As a first-generation college student, this means a lot to my family and I and it was very rewarding how happy and proud my parents were when I submitted the application.
What is one thing you’re glad you did during your time at UC Irvine and what is one thing you wish you did during your time at UCI?
One thing I’m glad I did was push myself out of my comfort zone and pursue leadership positions where I felt I could grow and make a difference on campus. Even in the times that I doubted myself, my friends and family helped me see my potential and I’m very grateful for all of them :)
One thing I wish I did was start my Psychological Science minor earlier so that I could’ve majored in it as well because I really enjoyed those classes and want to keep learning more!