Donuts with the Dean – Share your experience with us!

Home Donuts with the Dean – Share your experience with us!

As we continuously strive to enhance our events and create valuable experiences for our students, we are eager to hear your thoughts and impressions of the event through brief testimonials. Your feedback as undergraduate students are invaluable in helping us improve future gatherings and sharing your insights with others who may be considering attending. 

General Information

Are you a 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year or 5+yr?

Testimonials for Donuts with the Dean

Share with us your experience at Donuts with the Dean. We may use your testimonial on social media, website and other BioSci content. Could you please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us by providing a brief testimonial? We genuinely appreciate your contribution .
Did you enjoy networking with new students and faculty? Did you make new friends? Did you talk with the guest speaker? Did you enjoy meeting the dean?
Please upload a photo of yourself. Feel free to show off any UCI gear and spirit wear!
Max. file size: 12 MB.
If you’d like to be tagged on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and/or LinkedIn, please provide your social media handles separated by a comma.